Attention Payroll Personnel: Email Scam Alert
A recent email scam is targeting Ohio school districts.
An email is being sent to payroll personnel in schools from someone impersonating the superintendent or principal of the school district.
In cases reported to the Ohio Auditor’s Office, an email was sent to payroll officers asking that a change be made to the bank account linked to the superintendent’s or principal’s direct deposit. The payroll deposit then is directed to the scammer.
The scam is identified only after the impersonated employee realizes that he or she did not get paid.
These scams are successful because the payroll officer involved believes he or she is dealing directly with a district or school official who has the authority to make the request.
Question any such email you receive. The state auditor encourages districts to:
- Examine the procedures in place for making changes to an employee’s payroll bank account; and
- Take verification steps outside of the email system before making such a change.
Report all scams to the local police department and contact Ohio’s Fraud Hotline at 1-866-FRAUD-OH or 1-866-372-8364.