Employer Outreach Training Opportunities

Employer Outreach provides both in-person and virtual training opportunities.

Brush up on all things eSERS, Employer Roles and Responsibilities, personalized trainings, and quick trending topics.

A variety of virtual training sessions are presented via Zoom:

Employer 101 Workshop
These in-person workshops will cover important topics including: membership, compensation, contribution reporting, payments, and annual processes.

Employer Education Series
Webinars that cover topics from the Employer 101 Workshop based on demand.

Sound Bite
Quick sessions to cover trending topics in 20 minutes or less.

eSERS Hands-On Training
A refresher on the eSERS system, beneficial for new employees.

eSERS Demo
A two-hour webinar that covers all aspects of eSERS from File Uploads to Wage Certifications.

Employer One-on-One
A member of the Employer Outreach Team will conduct a personalized training based on your district’s needs. This type of training will need to be requested by the district.


Employer Education Series

Webinars that cover topics from the Employer 101 Workshop based on demand.




Wednesday, July 31

9:00 a.m.

Employer Annual Statement and Surcharge


Sound Bite

Quick sessions to cover trending topics in 20 minutes or less.




Thursday, August 8

10:00 a.m.

Payment Remittance


Tuesday, August 20

10:00 a.m.

Employer Web Administrator (EWA) Roles and Responsibilities


eSERS Hands-On Training (in-person)

A refresher on the eSERS system, beneficial for new employees.

This training will be held at the SERS building in Downtown Columbus.



Wednesday, August 7

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

This training session is fully booked.


Missed a webinar?  Several sessions have been recorded and can be accessed in our Video Center.

Visit the Video Center
Before You Call: Answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsCLICK HERE